
[徵才] 轉發訊息:國立成功大學 材料科學及工程學系 徵聘助理教授級以上專任教師2名 Full-Time Faculty Positions, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
發佈時間: 2020-07-09 16:52

國立成功大學 材料科學及工程學系 徵聘助理教授級以上專任教師2名 

Full-Time Faculty Positions, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


Available Websites:

[中文] http://ann.web.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1013-207920,r58.php?Lang=zh-tw

[English] http://ann.web.ncku.edu.tw/p/404-1013-207920-1.php?Lang=en



Preferred Qualifications/Other Information

1. A Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering or related fields.

2. Desired Teaching Expertise and Research Interests

  AMetallic and/or Ceramic Materials (structural materials preferred)

  BMaterials Science and Engineering, and related fields

3. Two tenure-track faculty positions at all levels starting from 2021.02.01

4. Application Deadline: 2020.09.05

5. All application documents as listed below need to be mailed to:

        蘇修平先生 (Mr. Hsiuping Su)

        台南市東區大學路1 國立成功大學 材料科學及工程學系

        Department of Materials Science and Engineering,

        National Cheng Kung University

        1 University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan R.O.C


Required Documents

1. Applicant should download the form of “Faculty Application Form for MSE, NCKU” (available in https://reurl.cc/qdaaYq)

2. A curriculum vitae (CV) (including academic/work experiences, expertise, and publication list)

3. A copy of Ph.D. degree certificate. (To complete the faculty recruitment, you will be asked for the official verification of the foreign degree(s) from the relevant ROC (Taiwan) embassy or the foreign authority by ROC (Taiwan) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO)).

4. Copy of the transcripts of undergraduate and graduate degrees.

5. Three recommendation letters. (one from Ph.D. advisor)

6. Copies of Ph.D. dissertation (cover page, and abstract)

7. Copies of selected publications

8. Future research topics and teaching courses




Prof. Changshu Kuo (Dept. Chair)

Phone: +886-6-2754224

FAX: +886-6-2754224

E-mail: changshu@mail.ncku.edu.tw



Mr. Hsiuping Su

Phone: +886-6-2757575 ext. 62906

FAX: +886-6-2346290

E-mail: z10904005@email.ncku.edu.tw