

2023 召集人 江茂雄/ 學門聯繫窗口 陳維倫


一、船舶領域研究重點 (naval architecture field)

1. 船舶結構研究 (ship structure)

  -1 非線性運動與波浪負荷預估及其長期統計分析 (prediction of nonlinear motions and wave loading, and long-term statistics)

  -2 船體縱向波振(springing)造成結構疲勞損傷研究(fatigue induced by springing)

  -3 超大型貨櫃船結構佈置最佳化 (optimization of ultra large container ship structure)

  -4 高強度鋼材銲接技術研發 (welding of high strength steel)

2. 船舶運動及操縱研究 (seakeeping and maneuvering)

 -1 斜浪中之船舶波浪增加阻力預估方法 (prediction of added resistance of ships in oblique waves)

 -2 時域大波高非線性船舶運動及波浪負荷計算法 (calculation of large amplitude nonlinear ship motions and wave loading in time domain)

 -3 可降低波浪增加阻力之船型設計開發 (hull form design of minimized added resistance)

 -4 大型船舶之低速、淺水操縱性能評估 (prediction of maneuverability of huge vessels in shallow water with low speed)

 -5 應用CFD進行直接操船模擬計算之方法 (direct maneuvering simulation with CFD method)

 -6 波浪中船舶安定性能及操舵引致阻力增加之評估 (prediction of directional stability of ships in waves and added resistance caused by steering)

3. 節能船型設計之研究 (hull form design for energy saving)

 -1 具創新性之節能船形概念設計 (concept design of novel hull form for energy saving)

 -2 節能輔助裝置開發 (development of auxiliary devices for energy saving)

 -3 船形幾何形狀參數化設計方法之建立 (method of parametric design of hull form)

 -4 船模實驗用之三維波形精準量測系統之建立 (precision measuring system of 3D waves for ship model test)

4. 推進器流體力學研究 (hydrodynamics of propulsion)

 -1 節能推進器設計與開發 (propulsor design for energy saving)

 -2 應用PIV或高速光學影像進行空化流場量測與觀測 (observation and measurement of cavitating flows using PIV or high speed optical image)

 -3 探討與預估高負載螺槳與舵的空化與侵蝕 (cavitation and erosion of high loading propeller and rudder)

 -4 研發應用風、浪、流等再生能源輔助船舶推進之機制與裝置 (mechanism and devices for auxiliary propulsion using wind, wave and current)

5. 提升能源效率之船舶營運研究 (improvement of energy efficiency of ship operation)

 -1 降低實海域營運油耗的操作模式與航路規劃 (operation mode and route planning for reducing fuel consumption)

 -2 建立評估船舶能效指數的船模水槽試驗方法 (model test method for evaluating energy efficiency design index (EEDI))

 -3 實海域營運監控與輔助系統研發 (monitoring and aiding system for ship operation in real sea)

 -4 智慧船舶技術 (smart ship technology)

6. 潛艦國造相關技術之研發 (indigenous defense submarine (IDS) related technology)

 -1 潛艦流體動力性能分析與評估技術之建立 (hydrodynamic performance analysis and evaluation technology for IDS)

 -2 結構性能分析與評估技術之建立 (structure analysis and evaluation technology for IDS)

 -3 潛艦噪音性能及整體訊跡之分析、預估和抑制技術之建立 (noise and signature analysis, prediction and inhibition technology for IDS)

 -4 酬載與裝備技術的研究與開發 (payload and equipment development for IDS)


二、輪機領域研究重點 (marine engineering field)

1. 船舶機電系統性能優化與節能研究 (optimization and energy saving for on-board marine mechanical and electronic systems)

 -1 複合熱力循環動力節能研究,並導入船舶汽電共生系統之研究

 -2 船舶主機與推進效率之提昇研究 (improvement of main engine and propulsion efficiency)

 -3 發展低品質(低溫差)之廢熱回收技術 (low temperature difference waste heat recovery technology)

 -4 控制變頻器電壓與頻率輸入來調整原動機之轉速與輸出功率之研究

 -5 船舶熱交換器與散熱片之最佳化設計 (design optimization of heat interchanger and cooling fin)

2. 船舶動力系統排氣污染防治研究 (emission control for shipping power systems)

3. 輪機系統控制、監控與故障診斷研究 (control, monitoring and diagnosis of marine engineering systems)

4. 燃用替代能源之海事動力系統研究 (marine power systems with alternative and sustainable fuels)

5. 船舶聲音與震動傳遞研究 (vibration and sound transmission in ships)


三、海洋工程領域研究重點 (ocean engineering field)

1. 風波流基礎研究 (basic research on wind, wave and current)

 -1 波浪傳輸與變形 (wave transmission and deformation)

 -2 潮流運動與預報模式 ( tidal current motion and forecasting model)

 -3 漂沙過程與地形變遷 (drifting sand process and geomorphic changes)

 -4 海洋結構受波流作用之動力行為 (dynamic responses of offshore structure to wave and current)

 -5 海洋污染 (marine pollution)

2. 海岸環境改善與再造 (coastal environment improvement and regeneration)

 -1 海岸侵蝕與防禦 (coastal erosion and protection)

 -2 海岸景觀與生態 (coastal landscape and ecology)

3. 氣候變遷與海水位上升對海岸及沿岸結構物之衝擊 (impact for the coastal and longshore structure of climate change and sea level rise)

 -1 從潮位及衛星資料分析 (analysis based on tide level and satellite data)

 -2 波浪溯升與越波 (run up and overtopping of wave)

 -3 颱風波浪與暴潮 (typhoon wave and storm surge)

 -4 河口水動力、河川潰堤與海岸溢淹 (hydrodynamics of river estuary, river inrush and coastal flooding)

 -5 海岸脆弱度和危險度評估、海岸災害調適策略 (coastal vulnerability , hazard evaluation and coastal disaster adaptation strategy)

4. 海洋能源及資源開發 (ocean energy and resource development)

 -1 波能、潮流及洋流能、離岸風力等開發利用技術 (technologies for wave energy, tidal current, ocean current and off-shore wind development )

 -2 溫差發電開發利用技術 (technology for ocean thermal energy conversion)

 -3 深層海水開發利用技術 (ocean deep water development technology)

 -4 再生能源開發場域評估技術 (renewable energy development filed assessment technique)

5. 海洋觀測技術 (ocean observation technology development)

 -1 海氣象、海底地形、漂沙和生物調查方法 (survey method of marine meteorology, submarine topography, sand drift and biology)

 -2 衛星、GPS、海洋短波雷達、SAR、潮波儀之觀測技術研發 (observation technology by satellite, GPS, ocean short wave radar, SAR, wave and tide guage)

 -3 資料處理分析 (data processing and analysis)

 -4 預警系統研發 (precaution system development)


四、水下技術領域研究重點 (underwater technology field)

1. 水中、海洋及海床聲學 (underwater, ocean and seabed acoustics)

 -1 水聲傳播 (sound propagation)

 -2 水體與粗糙介面散射 (Volumetric and Rough Surface Scattering)

 -3 水下環境噪音 (underwater ambient noise)

 -4 水聲混響 (underwater acoustic reverberation)

 -5 目標物水槽量測技術 (tank measurement techniques of targets)

 -6 海床掩埋物之散射 ( Scattering of Buried Targets)

 -7 計算海洋聲學 (computational ocean acoustics)

 -8 海洋音測學 (ocean acoustic tomography)

 -9 地聲反算 (geoacoustic inversion)

 -10 內波與聲波交互作用 (internal wave interactions with acoustic propagation)

 -11 被動音測學 ( passive acoustical tomography)

2. 水中訊號處理與水中通訊 (underwater signal processing and underwater communications)

 -1 處理器設計 (algorithm design)

 -2 聲束形成 (beamforming)

 -3 時間反轉鏡 (time reversal mirror (TRM))

 -4 水下陣列訊號處理 (underwater array signal processing)

3. 聲納技術 (sonar technology)

 -1 電聲轉換器設計 ( electro-acoustic transducer design)

 -2 聲納聲學 (sonar acoustics)

 -3 聲納設計與效能評估 (sonar design and performance evaluation)

 -4 合成孔徑聲納(synthetic aperture sonar)

4. 水下搜尋與辨識及量測技術(underwater search, identification and measurement technologies)

 -1 水下目標物量測(underwater target measurements)

 -2 水下定位系統(underwater positioning systems)

 -3 水下雷射掃瞄系統(underwater Laser scanning system)

 -4 水下聲光整合系統(underwater acoustic and visual system Integration)

 -5 水下考古應用(marine archaeology applications)

5. 水下監測與觀測系統(Underwater Surveillance and Observation Systems)

 -1 水下遙測(underwater telemetry)

 -2 海底觀測平台與系統 (underwater observatory systems)

 -3 海洋測試場 (marine test field)

 -4 水下港區防衛系統 (underwater harbor protection system)

6. ROV、AUV、水下滑翔機技術及水下潛航器 (ROV, AUV, underwater glider and submersible)

 -1 ROV、AUV、水下滑翔機技術及水下潛航器設計與操控 (design and navigation control of ROV, AUV, underwater glider and submersible)

 -2 影像處理 (image processing)

 -3 水下機電系統 (underwater electromechanical systems)

 -4 水下潛器動力學 (dynamics of underwater vehicles)

 -5 導航與定位 (navigation and positioning)