年度 98
計劃編號 NSC98-2221-E-033-062-MY2
研究學門 建築都巿
中文計劃名稱 鐵路局臺北機廠鐵道產業遺產之調查研究
執行期限 2009-08-01~2010-07-31
主持人 黃俊銘
預算 650000
中文摘要 本研究為臺灣鐵路局機務處下設鐵道維修場「臺北機廠」之研究,亦是建構臺灣鐵道產業技術發展不可或缺的一環。「臺北機廠」為鐵路車輛機具維修的專門廠房,具備維修、改造更新、保養的技術功能。臺北機廠不僅具有長遠的歷史,歷經清代、日治、戰後至現今,見證了各階段的演進過程;同時不論因鐵路交通建設之開展為臺灣城鄉結構所帶來的轉變、或是對國防、產業、至民生需求所帶來的實質影響等,鐵道維修場均是其間維持與延續的重要關係樞紐。現今國內關於鐵道維修機廠的研究鮮少於運輸鐵路之研究,目前臺北機廠現存之維修機具部分亦自清朝歷經百年至今仍持續運作;部分亦是日治時期自東京進口後至今仍留存完好。「臺北機廠」在鐵道產業歷史發展與技術上均扮演著不可磨滅的角色。臺北機廠於1931 年歷經第一次遷廠計畫而移至松山區現址,目前市民大道的南北隧道因高鐵未來路線規劃而產生營運衝突,臺灣鐵路管理局計畫變更土地開發,預計於2011 年搬遷至楊梅富岡新機廠,故除了內部已公告為臺北市定古蹟之「員工澡堂」外,其餘設施均面臨銷毀與產業斷軌的危機。臺北機廠所蘊含的產業設施及勞工群眾均是奠定現今臺灣產業文化發展的基礎,本研究在執行上實刻不容緩,有其急迫性。本研究為二年期研究計畫,第一年是針對臺北機廠相關的文獻史料進行地毯式調查與蒐整,包含有:臺北機廠所屬「文物室」、臺灣鐵路管理局機務處現存臺北機廠相關檔案資料;以及國內各檔案文獻典藏單位如:國家檔案管理局、國史館、臺灣文獻館、中央圖書館臺灣分館所典藏臺北機廠有關的舊籍文獻,進行系統性的蒐集整理,建立臺北機廠發展沿革之基礎資料。第二年則以前期調查成果為依據,針對臺北機廠內現存之機具、文物、構造設施等進行現況的調查與紀錄,同時配合老職工及技術者的訪談與口述記錄,釐清機廠內鐵路機具維修技術發展的內涵。
英文摘要 This study is based on the research of railway maintenance manufactory, ’Taipei RailwayWorkshop,’ which is formed under Mechanical Department, TRA (Taiwan Railways Administration).It is also an indispensable link for the Taiwan railway industrial technology development. ’Taipei Railway Workshop’ is a specialized factory which has the equipments serviced for rail vehicles,including maintenance, transformation renewal, and maintenance of the technical features. Taipei Railway Workshop not only has a long history since Qing Dynasty, the Japanese occupation, and post-war to present but also witnessed the various stages of evolution. At the same time, either the development of railway transportation which brings transformation for city and countryside structure in Taiwan, or its influence on national defense, industry, and people’s livelihood needs, etc, railway maintenancemanufactory played the major servicing and continual role during this period of time. This study is a two years investigation plan. In the first year, the study will be focusing on collecting and checking all the inventory and investigation at Taipei Railway Workshop’s cultural heritage and historical data, including Taipei railway workshop’s ’cultural relic room,’ any existing related data in Mechanical Department, TRA (Taiwan Railway Administration), also all the cultural heritage collections in the departments within the country: National Archives Administration, National Museum of History, Taiwan Historica, National Taiwan Library’s old related literature about Taiwan Railway Workshop, collecting and organizing data systematically, and to establish the basic data development in Taiwan Railway Workshop. On the second year, the study goes along with the result of previous investigation. Simultaneously, the study will be investigating the Taipei Railway Workshop’s current machinery, historical relics, tectonic facility, etc, and records them. Additionally, study will record interview and dictation from old staff and technician to clarify the maintainable technological development connotation of railway machinery in the mechanical factory.
檔案 鐵路局臺北機廠鐵道產業遺產之調查研究(9,453,988 bytes)