年度 97
計劃編號 NSC97-2221-E-035-059-MY2
研究學門 生產系統規劃與管制
中文計劃名稱 測量誤差存在之製程能力評估方法
執行期限 2009-08-01~2010-07-31
主持人 吳建瑋
預算 510000
中文摘要 製程能力分析應用於品質及生產力持續改善的管控過程中已經成為一項重要且明確的工具。透過適當的製程能力指標可提供一量化數據以反應出真實製程產出績效以及和規格界限的關係。 然而,文獻上關於製程能力評估的相關研究成果大部分都沒有考慮樣本數據的測量誤差因素,而這樣的假設並不能恰當反映出真實的情形,因為即使用先進的測量儀器來量測品質特性,測量誤差的存在往往也是無法避免的。 所以在這樣假設下進行製程能力評估所做出的結論並不可靠且可能導致誤判。 因此,申請人所通過的計畫為兩年期,擬對此議題進一步進行深入的探討、分析以及提出解決方案。目前在第一年度中,除了首先進行測量誤差對能力指標影響的敏感度分析外,再者,針對在測量誤差存在下,提出兩種不同的修正方法(廣義信賴區間法和兩階段還分法)來求得指標之信賴區間,以做為製程產出績效的評估依據。進度如預期規劃,在接下來的第二年度中,將可立基於目前執行第一年度計畫的研究成果,為使該成果更具實用性,擬將此所建構出的方法進一步進行優劣比較分析及探討,其次再將本計畫的理論推廣至多重樣本的資料型態並提出完整的建議及改進之評估方法。如此一來,對於測量誤差無法避免的現實情況下,此計畫的研究成果將可提供決策者更精確評估真實的製程狀況,並有效掌握本身產線的製程能力及改善方向。
英文摘要 Process capability analysis has become an important and well-defined tool in applications of statistical process control (SPC) to a continuous improvement of quality and productivity. The relationship between the actual process performance and the specification limits (or tolerance) may be quantified using suitable process capability indices (PCIs). However, most research works related to PCIs measures have assumed that sample data are free from measurement errors. Such an assumption cannot reflect real situations appropriately even when highly advanced measurement instruments are employed. Conclusions drawn regarding process capability would be unreliable and misleading. Therefore, this project is designed to deal with the issue of
measurement errors. The on-going NSC project of this year, we first conducted a sensitivity investigation of measurement error effects on the performance of PCIs. Second, two different approaches (generalized confidence interval and two-phase methods) are proposed to assess process capability in the presence of gauge measurement errors. In the next year, a series of simulations will be conducted to examine and compare the performance of the attained confidence levels and the average interval lengths of these approaches. Besides, for the real-world practical applications we would further extend and generalize the recommended approach to assess process capability based on multiple subsamples when gauge measurement errors are unavoidable. Therefore, based on the obtained results of this project, the practitioners can apply the proposed testing procedure to their shop floor to obtain reliable decisions.
檔案 測量誤差存在之製程能力評估方法(649,519 bytes)