Submit Your Paper to PRX Quantum and celebrate the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology

PRX Quantum is preparing a celebration for the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ 2025). We will highlight a few of the most exciting cutting-edge research, likely to leave a mark for the next decade, with a IYQ 2025 Collection showcasing our best papers of the year.

Anyone who submits an article for PRX Quantum from now through December 31st, 2024 will be considered for the IYQ 2025 Collection. Accepted manuscripts will be published on a rolling basis as usual. Our editorial team and journal’s leadership will curate a Collection showcasing the most influential results in the online IYQ 2025 Collection by mid-2025 accompanied by a celebration.

How to submit: Submit your manuscript through PRX Quantum’s submission server as usual. You may mention that you want to be considered for the IYQ 2025 Collection in your cover letter. The submission will go through a rigorous peer review process, adhering to the same policies and procedures applied to all papers.

What to submit: PRX Quantum invites manuscripts in quantum science and technologies that are milestone achievements, leaving a lasting impact. They should either solve a major bottleneck in the field, offer insights that lead to a leap of understanding, or develop methods of remarkable consequences for building quantum technologies. For the IYQ 2025 Collection, we are looking for the top results of the year.

PRX Quantum accepts manuscripts in any format and length for the initial evaluation. However, providing the source files (TeX or Word), figures, and titles in the references is helpful and can expedite the overall review process.

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