This discipline will focus on three basic themes— polymer chemistry, polymer physics and polymer processing—that are the foundations for this discipline; they are building blocks for three major engineering applications—optoelectronic and energy storage devices, green and biotechnology application and composites for various applications. All the following applications are enabled with molecule and structure design and syntheses of novel polymers, characterizations of the synthesized polymers and the device fabrications and device physics and durability studies, if any.
Conjugated polymers for optoelectronic and energy storage devices: such as display, lighting, solar cells, transistors and memory devices and fuel cells, battery and super capacitor.
Green and biotechnology application: syntheses of polymers from nature resources and biodegradable polymers and polymers for drug delivery, tissue engineering and artificial organs or templates for cells through additive manufacturing.
Composites for various applications: polymer composites for aerospace applications, polymer fibers for textile industry, polymer composites for additive manufacturing and robotic applications.
We also encourage new principle investigators to join our discipline by offering a three-year project under due review processes and offer young-investigator projects that last three years and provide higher funds than the usual projects.