

 研究重點(High-lighted Research Topics)
1 天然災害防治 Mitigation of natural and man-made disasters
2 水資源開發利用及地盤下陷引發之災害防治 Prevention of land subsidence.
3 基礎設施系統生命週期維運技術 Infrastructure life cycle maintenance and operation.
4 土木建築結構物的補強與延壽技術研究 Reinforcement technology and life cycle extension of structures.
5 三維空間資訊加值應用 Value-added applications of 3-D GIS.
6 綠色運輸 Green transportation.
7 綠建築與都市及建築防災 Green building & building disaster prevention.


 推動方針(Strategic Actions)
1 鼓勵研究學者精進研究並投稿至國際頂尖期刊 Encouraging researchers to submit papers to the international top journals to promote Taiwan technologies.
2 促進與國際績優研究團隊之合作計畫 Promoting collaborations with outstanding international research teams.
3 推動跨校之整合型、產學合作以及產業科技研究計畫案 Promoting projects at three levels: inter-academic (university), academic-industry and industry-industry.