

  1. 積極推動學門目前規劃之七大研究重點:光電與能源高分子、綠色與生醫高分子、高分子複合與混成材料、高分子化學、高分子物理、高分子加工、纖維與紡織,並著手規劃,達成規劃目標之執行策略。
  2. 鼓勵學門內子領域和跨次領域的研究計畫進行垂直整合,以深化研究。
  3. 加強與其他相關學門之交流與互動,強化跨學門、跨領域合作進行奈米或能源國家型計畫。


  1. 鼓勵與推動學門成員與國外大學及國家級研究機構進行學術交流與國際研究合作。
  2. 鼓勵出席國際會議的團隊化並提升國際能見度增加加入國際組織機會。


  1. 舉辦產學合作專題論壇如“國內新材料開發到應用與量產的關鍵和突破”,涵蓋光電材料、奈米複材、生醫材料、生物可分解材料以及特殊的加工術和新興熱門產品等。
  2. 更新學門成員產學能量資料,建置產學合作網路平台增進產學合作機會。
  3. 進行高分子學門之產學績效之自我評估,擬訂提升產學合作能量激發機制。
  4. 尋求學界科專或產學合作計畫申請,並建置產學合作網路平台增進產學合作機會。


  • 鼓勵學門新進優秀成員提出前瞻研究計畫,並提供適當資源協助,使其能展現研究潛力,以利學門長期發展如新進人員第一次申請一律給予三年期計畫:有鑑於培植新人對於學門學術傳承之重要性,學門持續推動「優秀年輕學者研究計畫」及 。主要是鼓勵有潛力年輕教授提出具高度前瞻與創新性研究計畫,以協助潛力雄厚之新人在短期內建立紮實的研究基礎。未來配合工程司將再持續推動優秀年輕學者研究計畫,以利學門長期發展。

五、建立高分子學門資料庫 (人才、設備與成果典藏)、研究績效分析及改進策略。

Polymer Discipline

This discipline will focus on three basic themes— polymer chemistry, polymer physics and polymer processing—that are the foundations for this discipline; they are building blocks for three major engineering applications—optoelectronic and energy storage devices, green and biotechnology application and composites for various applications.  All the following applications are enabled with molecule and structure design and syntheses of novel polymers, characterizations of the synthesized polymers and the device fabrications and device physics and durability studies, if any.

  1. Conjugated polymers for optoelectronic and energy storage devices: such as display, lighting, solar cells, transistors and memory devices and fuel cells, battery and super capacitor.
  2. Green and biotechnology application: syntheses of polymers from nature resources and biodegradable polymers and polymers for drug delivery, tissue engineering and artificial organs or templates for cells through additive manufacturing.
  3. Composites for various applications: polymer composites for aerospace applications, polymer fibers for textile industry, polymer composites for additive manufacturing and robotic applications.

We also encourage new principle investigators to join our discipline by offering a three-year project under due review processes and offer young-investigator projects that last three years and provide higher funds than the usual projects.